vitamin injections

  • Increase energy levels and concentration. Improves metabolism and boosts the immune system.

  • Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients because it is involved in so many different functions in the body. When you get a Vitamin C injection, you are helping your body to fight disease, to block dangerous chemicals, to absorb iron, and to fight the negative effects of aging.

  • Vitamin D is an essential micronutrient that is soluble in fat. It plays a number of roles in your health, including strengthening your immune system and bones. You can get vitamin D3 from sunbathing, but this can damage your skin and increase your chances of skin cancer. Ideally, you should be supplementing vitamin D3 via injection.

  • Biotin is a B-complex vitamin, also known as B7 or Vitamin H. Biotin is necessary for the cell growth and the production of fatty acids in living organisms. Biotin converts fatty acids and glucose into fuel to product energy. It helps to product enzymes by metabolizing amino acids and carbohydrates.


IV Hydration