radio frequency microneedling

  • We are very excited and proud to offer the Cutera RF, a new microneedling treatment that improves signs of aging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, skin tightening and scars with little to no downtime. Secret RF uses microneedles to deliver fractional Radio Frequency (RF) energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results on all skin types. This is a very tolerable procedure with little to no pain.

  • Microneedling with PRF

    Microneedling with PRF, latelet-rich Fibrin uses your own lasma to help stimulate collagen production. The growth factors such as platelets, white blood cells, and stem cells are in the plasma help to regenerate the skin by promoting collagen production while nourishing the skin.

    We use an all natural approach with our PRF. No gel or anticoagulants used. Your blood is taken and spun down and the growth factors are drawn up and then injected back in.

    Microneedling can be done anywhere on your body. Face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen for scars or stretch marks.

  • The future of skin rejuvenation has arrived, introducing Exosomes Facial Rejuvenation! The Exosome Microneedling Facial includes the application of Exosomes, the latest and most advanced stem cell and exosome serum, along with microneedling. Exosomes are responsible for cell to cell communication. This serum unlocks your cells to send in vitamins, minerals, stem cells, growth factors, peptides and more! This leads to faster healing after microneedling PLUS even more stimulation and regeneration of collagen and elastin. One treatment using Benev Exosomes is going to give you the results of three regular microneedling treatments!


laser treatments


chemical peels